ghumate rahana example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Transliterated examples :
1. But, ironically, it was his son that touts Cléante run on him 2. Hallucinations "dermatozoïques" consist of the strange impression that small animals run on the skin, the parasites are introduced and proliferate in the flesh 3. Their quality has still not improved: the phone has not been modernized, the operation of the station is catastrophic, trains rarely run on time and health services date from another era 4. ) by Within seconds he had sensed in him resurrect this instinct bloodhound who three years earlier had, several months on, run on all tracks, in search of the missing (

Given are the examples of hindi word ghumate rahana usage in english sentences. The examples of ghumate rahana are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., run on.

Cars, buses, trains, aeroplanes are manufactured from minerals and run on power resources derived from the earth.

Heavy motor vehicles like trucks and tractors run on diesel.
Similarly, the supply of electricity to an area can be useful for many people: farmers can run pumpsets to irrigate their fields, people can open small workshops that run on electricity, students will find it easier to study and most people in the village will benefit in some way or the other.
A Sri Lankan gentleman who lives on the coast near Galle said his two dogs would not go for their daily run on the beach.
Mishrilal has purchased a mechanical sugarcane crushing machine run on electricity and has set it up on his field.
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